Recent Presentations

Frequently, I write and present on topical trust, estate and relationship property matters. Through my advocacy, membership of international trust law organisations, involvement in international cases and my writing and speaking commitments, I am on top of the latest national and international developments in these areas.

  • May 2024 - The Law Association, "From Colonial Beliefs and Overcrowded Relationships, to Throuples and the Supreme Court Case of Mead v Paul"
  • December 2023 - NZLS CLE Ltd - Trustees in the Firing Line, with Nathaniel Walker, Russell McVeagh
  • September 2023 - New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (Trusts Special Interest Group) - Legler v Formannoij [2022] NZCA 607, with Joanne Trezise, Russell McVeagh
  • April 2022 - NZLS CLE Ltd - section 182 - Preston v Preston, a triumph for human decency and dignity (with appropriate commercial constraint), with Jake McLeary, Buddle McLeary Kennedy
  • March 2022 - NZLS CLE Ltd - Trust Disputes one year on from the Trusts Act 2019 - Emerging trends and practical tips, with Sharon Chandra
  • February 2022 - New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (Trusts Special Interest Group) - Preston, with Iain Hutcheson
  • December 2020 - NZLS CLE Ltd - Trusts and Relationship Breakdowns, with Isaac Hikaka, Lee Salmon Long;
  • June 2020 - NZLS CLE Ltd - PRA Intensive - The Dream is Over, resolving relationship property disputes to best advantage where trusts are involved, with Andrew Butler;
  • June 2019 - NZLS CLE Ltd - Trusts Conference - Dodgy Drafting, Errant Executors, Terrible Trustees and Lax Lawyers, with Priscilla Brown, Trust & Estate Lawyer;
  • May 2019 - ADLC Inc "Cradle to Grave" Seminar - Trusts and Relationship Property - Launching pads, new directions and pole positions, with Vivienne Crawshaw QC;
  • February 2019 - New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (Trust Special Interest Group) - Cards on the Table? - Disclosure of trust information to beneficiaries;
  • May 2018 - ADLS Inc "Cradle to Grave" Seminar - Troubled Trustees - Navigating stormy waters with Court assistance;
  • October 2017 - NZLS CLE Ltd - Family Law Conference - Running trust proceedings when a relationship breaks down, with Isaac Hikaka, Lee Salmon Long;
  • October 2017 - STEP annual conference - Green v Green;
  • July 2017 - ADLS Inc seminar - Constructive Trusts: A Deconstruction, with Chris Kelly, Greg Kelly Law;
  • June 2017 - NZLS CLE Ltd - Trust Conference - Should I stay or should I go now - Retirement and removal of trustees when the Court gets involved, with Juliet Moses, TGT Legal;
  • May 2017 - ADLS Inc "Cradle to Grave" seminar - Navigating the uncertainties - what is happening at the Court coalface in trust litigation?
  • April 2017 - NZLS CLE Ltd seminar - Interaction between trusts and relationship property, with Isaac Hikaka, Lee Salmon Long;
  • April 2017 - New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants annual conference (Trusts Special Interest Group) - Trust and estate litigation, what is happening at the coalface?
  • October 2015 - Family Law Conference - Trusts and Relationship Property, with Associate Professor Jessica Palmer, University of Otago;
  • September 2015 - NZLS CLE Ltd seminar - Estates and Trusts - Key Issues - with Barry Stafford, Stafford Klaassen;
  • July 2015 - New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants Seminar (Trusts Special Interest Group) - Capacity and Undue Influence;
  • June 2015 - NZLS CLE Ltd - Trusts Conference - Trusts and Relationship Property, with Isaac Hikaka, Lee Salmon Long;
  • April 2015 - ADLS Inc "Cradle to Grave" Seminar - Trust Ownership of Family Assets - Occupation and Sale when Separation Occurs;
  • March 2015 - Legalwise seminar - Lawyers as Trustees and Advisors to Trustees - Avoiding Being Caught in the Cross-Fire when Disputes Arise;
  • February 2015 - NZLS CLE Ltd seminar - Key Issues for Practitioners Drafting Wills and Litigating Estate Disputes Where Trusts are Involved;
  • July 2014 - Panellist at New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants panel discussion (Trusts Special Interest Group) - Trusts and Relationship Property issues.
  • May 2014 - Legalwise seminar - Challenging Wills: Key Issues for Practitioners Drafting Wills and Litigating Estate Disputes;
  • 2013 - "Managing Attacks on Trusts" in "10 Minute Trustee Success" - Lindsay Pope;
  • September 2013 - New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants seminar (Trusts Special Interest Group) - Illusory "Trusts";
  • June 2013 - NZLS CLE Ltd - Trusts Conference - Trusts can Survive a Relationship Breakdown - Myth or Reality?, with Professor Nicola Peart, University of Otago; Re-presented by webinar - October 2013;
  • May 2013 - NZLS CLE Ltd roadshow - Trusts and Relationship Property for Family Lawyers (Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland), with Isaac Hikaka, Lee Salmon Long;
  • May 2012 - Auckland District Law Society seminar - Disputed Estates, with Barry Stafford, Stafford Klaassen;
  • 2011 - Presenter at NZ Law Society Trusts Conference -Trustee litigation in the family context: Tools in the Family Court and Tools in the High Court, with Bruce Corkill QC, now Judge Corkill;
  • 2010 to 2014 - University of Auckland Guest Lecturer on relationship property and trust issues;
  • 2010 - Chairperson of Auckland District Law Society seminars - Cases in the Family Court;
  • 2010 - Auckland District Law Society seminar - Winding Up an Insolvent Trading Trust, with Juliet Moses, TGT Legal;
  • 2010 - STEP seminar - Appointment and Role of Welfare Guardians / Property Managers under The Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988;